SEO Manager at Conversion Giant, with five years of experience in Internet Marketing. Specializing in SEO content creation, onsite optimization, and linkbuilding.

A Definitive Guide to Link Building for eCommerce Sites

Link building has been a point of contention among the SEO community for more than a decade now. Best practices in regards to this aspect of SEO seemingly change every year, leading marketers to constantly evolve their approach to acquiring relevant, quality links.  In recent years, we’ve even been bombarded with headlines about the relevance…

Is No One Searching For Your Product? Here’s How to Get Sales

Brand awareness is one of the most valuable assets for any business. But reaching that goal isn’t overly simple, especially when very few people are actually searching for what you sell. Or maybe they’re searching for the product, but they’ve never heard of your business. Fortunately, a quick glance at Google Adword’s keyword planner tool…

Bad Traffic (Volume)

When Traffic Goes Bad: Diagnosing a Ranking Loss

There’s something extra jarring about logging into Google Analytics and realizing that your organic traffic has plummeted; something more jarring than any other traffic source. Maybe it’s because all that organic traffic is hard-earned; the result of of months and even years worth of optimization, content writing and re-optimization all to go from completely off…