Advertisers choose Conversion Giant because we know that conversions, revenue, and profit come from more than just your marketing. It comes from thinking “BIG” about your business.

5 Most Underrated, Underused Adwords Tools

For 2015, paid search advertisers are going to have to look outside the conventional search and display campaigns if they want to maximize their reach on Adwords. While many advertisers have begun using programs like Google Shopping (formerly PLAs) and Remarketing, most still aren’t aware of how far they can take their Adwords account. Here…

Google Enhanced Campaigns is a Flop.

Almost a doomsday of sorts, July 22nd was supposed to be the endgame for advertisers perpetrating around without having upgraded their Legacy campaigns to Enhanced. Google has been warning advertisers since late February that an automatic upgrade would happen for all Adwords campaigns sometime in June. As suspected, the official date (July 22) was released…

Enhanced Campaigns: Major Update by Google Adwords

Today at exactly 12pm Pacific, Google officially announced its plan to roll out major changes to the Adwords campaign functionality. Calling the “upgrade” Enhanced Campaigns, Google has said this is the “first step to help you more simply and smartly manage” Adwords campaigns as it pertains to the different devices, locations, day scheduling, and conversions…